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FindEverything : Find everyting in your drives.

 script karma  Rating 7/4, Downloaded by 643  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
chao wang
script type
Only for windows.

As a vimer, I wish to use vim to locate and open file more easier and faster.
One day, I found a free software named Everything, it can locates files and folders by filename instantly for Windows.
This plugin provides a interface with Everything command-line tools(es.exe).
Invoke FindEverything, type the file name you wish to find, and then it will return results in a buffer window.

How fast it can be?
I type '*', which means find all files in all of my drives, and it return 160,000+ results in less than 5 seconds.
I believe that if you type more character, it will show the results instantly.

1. Download Everything gui and command-line(es.exe) tools
    from the website: http://www.voidtools.com/download.php
2. Start everything.exe and keep it running in background.
3. Put this plugin into your vim runtime/plugin directory.
4. Define g:fe_es_exe in your vimrc file.
     Notice: it should pointer to the everything command-line interface(es.exe)
     e.g. let g:fe_es_exe = 'd:\Everything\es.exe'
5. Open vim and run command :FE

Command(all capital)
:FE  find files using everything.
:FER toggle the buffer to see the last search result.

Some map_keys:
<CR>     Open file under the cursor by default association.
<C-CR>   Open file under the cursor using current vim session.
<ESC>    Quit the result buffer.

Some options:
1. Always open these file types in current vim session.
   let g:fe_openfile_filter = ['txt', 'vim']
2. Define es.exe option.
   let g:fe_es_option = '-s'

Known issues:
1. Don't set g:fe_es_exe to any path include whitespace.
2. es.exe support regular search, but seems that it can't work as well as its gui tools.
   So, I suggest not using its -r option. You can use vim regular for further searching.
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
FindEverything.vim 1.0 2011-03-13 7.0 chao wang Initial upload
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