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TeX-9 : A semi-automatic LaTeX ftplugin with lots of firepower!

 script karma  Rating 132/45, Downloaded by 4701  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Elias Toivanen
script type
    Author: Elias Toivanen
    License: GPL
    Version: 1.3.13

    TeX-9 is a ftplugin that aims to enhance the writing experience of high
    quality documents with LaTeX and Vim. The goal of TeX-9 is to be simple
    and Vimish, meaning that focus is on carefully thought-out key mappings
    and features that are already present in a typical Vim installation. If
    you need to write a thesis or research articles and insist on having only
    one editor for all editing tasks, then TeX-9 is for you!

    TeX-9 uses Python2.x as its backend and therefore a Vim installation with
    Python support is required. TeX-9 is being developed on Linux running
    Vim 7.4.

     The main features of TeX-9 are
        * Compile, debug and launch a document viewer from within Vim
        * Insert LaTeX code snippets with ease
        * Powerful text-object for LaTeX environments
        * Omni-completion of BibTeX database entries and label references
        * Omni-completion of mathematical symbols
        * SyncTeX support (for the Evince document viewer)
        * Filetype specific indentation (courtesy of Johannes Tanzler)
        * LaTeX2e manual (ported to Vim by Mikolaj Machowski)
        * No-hassle settings, relatively few mappings

install details
       The good method
         * Use the pathogen plugin (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2332)
         * Clone TeX-9 from GitHub (https://github.com/vim-scripts/TeX-9)
         * Run :Helptags and read the help on 'tex_nine'
         * If you like TeX-9, show it on this page...it would make me happy.
         The traditional method
        * Unzip the tarball to your local Vim tree (tar xaf tex_nine-<version>.tar.gz; rsync -avz tex_nine-<version>/ ~/.vim/)
        * Update helptags (:helptags ~/.vim/doc/)
        * Read the help on TeX-9 (:help tex_nine)

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
tex_nine-1.4.0-1-g9e7f14c.tar.gz 1.4.0 2020-02-18 8.0 Elias Toivanen Upgrade to Python 3
tex_nine-1.3.13.tar.gz 1.3.13 2014-09-12 7.4 Elias Toivanen Some refinements to the user experience.
tex_nine-1.3.7.tar.gz 1.3.7 2013-08-10 7.3 Elias Toivanen Bugfix release.
tex_nine-1.3.1.tar.gz 1.3.1 2013-07-24 7.3 Elias Toivanen Significantly improved handling of multi-file projects, new cleaner user preferences logic and a lot of small improvements. NB: You need a fairly up-to-date Vim for this version.
tex_nine-1.2.1.tar.gz 1.2.1 2013-01-13 7.2 Elias Toivanen Bugfix release.
tex_nine-1.2.tar.gz 1.2 2012-05-01 7.3 Elias Toivanen SyncTeX support is back! Also a couple of other new features...
tex_nine-1.1.6.tar.gz 1.1.6 2011-12-14 7.2 Elias Toivanen Bug fixes and improved "go to BibTeX entry" command.
tex_nine-1.1.5.tar.gz 1.1.5 2011-07-03 7.2 Elias Toivanen Fixed a bug related to omnicompletion of pictures and fonts.
tex_nine-1.05.tar.gz 1.05 2011-05-05 7.2 Elias Toivanen Fixed a critical bug that caused TeX_9 to crash when upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04 (i.e. Python 2.7, Vim 7.3). Also fixed a couple of minor bugs. Fixed...
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