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cmdline completion : cmdline completion like insert mode

 script karma  Rating 134/40, Downloaded by 2337  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
jinhu lu
script type
This script let you can use CTRL-P/N to complete word in cmdline mode
just like in insert mode.

for instance :
            1.   :something<C-P>
            2.   /else<C-N>
you also can map other keys instead of <C-P/N> like this in your vimrc:
            cmap <C-J> <Plug>CmdlineCompletionBackward
            cmap <C-K> <Plug>CmdlineCompletionForward

Or,  you may wanna keep compatiable recent history when using <C-P/N> , try this: ( Thanks for Enno.Nagel's good idea ) .
            cmap <expr> <c-p> getcmdpos() == 1 ? '<up><home>' : '<plug>CmdlineCompletionBackward'
            cmap <expr> <c-n> getcmdpos() == 1 ? '<down><home>' : '<plug>CmdlineCompletionForward'

install details
Drag this file into vim plugin directory ( ~/.vim/plugin)

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
cmdline_completion.vim 0.04 2012-10-31 7.0 jinhu lu Add completion search in loaded buffers support .
cmdline_completion.vim 0.03 2012-03-05 7.0 jinhu lu add completion support cursor at anywhere of cmdline.
cmdline_completion.vim 0.02 2011-04-15 7.0 jinhu lu change s:vars to b:vars to avoid dead loop when continue searching in another  buffer  , and dos2unix .
cmdline_completion.vim 0.01 2011-03-30 7.0 jinhu lu Initial upload
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