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jianfan : transcoding Simplified and Traditional

 script karma  Rating 7/4, Downloaded by 1604  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
peter chan
script type
convert simplified to traditional or convert traditional to simplified.

Chinese users need it.

I do not understand English, sorry。
install details
Copy jianfan.vim to your plugin directory.
add this code to your vimrc:
nmap <leader>g2b <ESC>:cal G2B()<CR>
nmap <leader>b2g <ESC>:cal B2G()<CR>

复制 jianfan.vim 到你的插件文件夹下。
nmap <leader>g2b <ESC>:cal G2B()<CR>
nmap <leader>b2g <ESC>:cal B2G()<CR>

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
jianfan-v.vim 1.3 2011-07-20 7.0 peter chan modified by Solcan

Thus I modified your script for working with selected lines.
Please find attached the modified version.
There are some explanations in Chinese in the modified script.
I hope they make some sense.

How I use the modified version?
For example I input two lines of Chinese text:
Then I use, in normal mode, Shift+v to select the second line.
I press Ctrl+t and the text becomes:
jianfan-v.vim 1.2 2011-07-20 7.0 peter chan modified by Solcan

Thus I modified your script for working with selected lines.
Please find attached the modified version.
There are some explanations in Chinese in the modified script.
I hope they make some sense.

How I use the modified version?
For example I input two lines of Chinese text:
Then I use, in normal mode, Shift+v to select the second line.
I press Ctrl+t and the text becomes:
jianfan-v.vim 1.0 2011-07-20 7.0 peter chan modified by Solcan

Thus I modified your script for working with selected lines.
Please find attached the modified version.
There are some explanations in Chinese in the modified script.
I hope they make some sense.

How I use the modified version?
For example I input two lines of Chinese text:
Then I use, in normal mode, Shift+v to select the second line.
I press Ctrl+t and the text becomes:
jianfan.vim 1.1 2011-04-12 7.0 peter chan set fileformat=unix
jianfan.vim 1.0 2011-04-09 7.0 peter chan Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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