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Advancer Abbreviation : create code snippet through vim abbreviation

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created by
Miao Jiang
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Repository, Tutorial: https://github.com/jiangmiao/advancer-abbreviation

Advancer Abbreviation
Advancer Abbreviation is a Vim plugin to create code snippet quickly

    Use Shortcut <C-CR> or <S-CR> to expand the abbreviation or jump to next placeholder.

    <S-CR> : Smart Expand or jump to next placeholder.
    <C-CR> : Force Expand or jump to next placeholder.
    <ESC>  : If the line contain placeholder but now it is blank,
             then delete whole line and leave insert mode.

*   Support any character except space as abbreviate name.
*   Quick jump to next placeholder.
*   Easy to extend.

    copy plugin/advancer-abbreviate.vim to ~/.vim/plugin

    copy ftplugin-examples/* to ~/.vim/ftplugin

    There are 5 examples include c, cpp, javascript, php, ruby
    The abbreviation supported in example are

        c          : for std main #i #ii
        cpp        : for std main
        javascript : for fu
        ruby       : for def
        php        : for

    You could test the script with your favourite language.

###example for edit C file
    <C-CR> = Control+Return
    |      = Cursor postion
    $ gvim foo.c


    input: #i<C-CR>foo<C-CR>#ii<C-CR>bar<C-CR>
    #include <foo>
    #include "bar"


    input: std<C-CR>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>


Write Your Own Abbreviation
    Use Command Abbr
    Usage: Abbr [name] [code]
    Abbr for for (/*TODO*/; /*TODO*/; /*TODO*/) {<CR>/*TODO*/<CR>}<CR>/*TODO*/
    Abbr #ii #include "/*TODO*/"<CR>

    Abbreviate format is same as vim abbr. see help :abbr
    but AdvAbbr has looser limition on name, it support any character as name except space.
    eg: f.f is invalid name in vim abbr but valid in Advancer Abbreviation.
    TODO has four different formats
    /*TODO*/, #TODO#, 'TODO', <!--TODO-->
    choose them according to which language is using.
    for example, /*TODO*/ use for c, cpp, 'TODO' use for ruby
install details
copy plugin/advancer-abbreviate.vim to ~/.vim/plugin

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
advancer-abbreviation-v1.0.3.tar.gz 1.0.3 2011-06-07 7.0 Miao Jiang Use b:Abbrs instead of g:Abbrs to manage abbrs
update README
advancer-abbreviation-v1.0.2.tar.gz 1.0.2 2011-05-25 7.0 Miao Jiang Add Smart Expand and Force Expand
advancer-abbreviation-v1.0.1.tar.gz 1.0.1 2011-05-24 7.0 Miao Jiang add option g:AbbrShortcutEscape and g:AbbrShortcutExpand
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