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LycosaExplorer : A dynamic filesystem and buffer explorer

 script karma  Rating 55/19, Downloaded by 2576  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Michael Hart
script type
Originally a simple port of LustyExplorer (vimscript #1890) to Python.

Basic keybindings are <leader>lf to open a file with the starting directory being the current working dir, <leader>lr to do so but at the current buffer's directory and <leader>lb to access your buffers. Further bindings and instructions are found in lycosaexplorer.vim

This project is also available on bitbucket at https://bitbucket.org/mikehart/lycosaexplorer
install details
For pathogen users: Unpack the zip directly into your bundle directory

For everyone else: Copy lycosaexplorer.vim and lycosa.py from lycosaexplorer/plugin into your plugin directory

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
lycosaexplorer.zip 0.9 2012-01-16 7.3 Michael Hart Use a callback function to call out to another program/script
This provides the user the ability to rapidly navigate to a particular
directory then explore that with NERDTree or any other function for filesystem
manipulation etc. See the comments in lycosaexplorer.vim for more details.
lycosaexplorer.zip 0.8 2012-01-16 7.3 Michael Hart * Added cursor navigation to file list panel (also accessible with C-b, C-f, Cn and C-p)
* Cleaned up code to cut down on pyflakes warnings and simplify a few bits and pieces
* Fixed error when attempting to next/previous on an empty file list
* Added ability to start lycosa at a given file location - :LycosaFilesystemExplorer /some/path/here
* Added ability to disable default mappings by setting g:LycosaExplorerDefaultMappings to something other than 1
lycosaexplorer.zip 0.6 2011-10-22 7.3 Michael Hart Moved from using nmap to nnoremap to avoid issues when people have remapped :
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