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noweboutline.vim : a noweb file out line tool

 script karma  Rating 0/0, Downloaded by 2105  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
yangkun huang
script type
Literate programming tool for *.nw file
change log:
ver. 0.1:
open an outline window, show code chunk list, press enter to jump to corresonding code chunk
ver. 0.13
map <C-F1> to open document outline window
install details
ver 0.13 usage
:source [downloaded-path]noweboutline.vim while opening a *.nw file

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
noweboutline.vim 0.15 2012-11-29 7.0 yangkun huang new feature:
1) In outline window, use C+d to show latex style document struct(from section to subsubparagraph)
2) In outline window, use C+c to show all defined code chunks
3) In outline window, use C+a to show mixed (document structure + code chunks) list
noweboutline.vim 0.14 2012-07-18 7.0 yangkun huang <C+n> in insert mode to auto complete a chunk name
noweboutline.vim 0.14 2011-11-01 7.0 yangkun huang press <C-n> to autocomplete chunk's name
noweboutline.vim 0.13 2011-09-03 7.0 yangkun huang add feature: press <C-F1> to open the document outline window
noweboutline.vim 0.12 2011-09-01 7.0 yangkun huang add feature: indention for document structure
noweboutline.vim 0.11 2011-09-01 7.0 yangkun huang bug fixed: press enter, can not jump to corresponding chunk
add feature: show & jump latex document section also
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