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mappingmanager : easy navigation between keyboard mappings

 script karma  Rating 6/3, Downloaded by 674  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Leon van Kammen
script type
actions speak louder than words, so check out this demo:



First there was a happy vim-user, but after some vim plugins,
lots of tricks'n'commands: the vim-user begins to suffer from braindamage.
Keyboardshortcuts are easier to remember, but in vim also its very
easy to get a 'almost-all-my-mappings-are-taken' syndrome.

switching of keyboardmappings..you can have endless mappings now.
Call it keyboardshortcutsmappings or presets if you will.

- use ,m to toggle a mappingmanager-panel which gives LOT of info
- use ,, to cycle thru mappings (remembering this shortcut is enough, rest is self-explanatory)
- [optional] use ,. to view the current mapping
- [optional] use ,/ to select a mapping
- [optional] use ,m change output mode between 'dialog' or 'console'
- [optional] use ,F1 select mapping #1
- [optional] use ,F2 select mapping #2
- ..and so on

Author : Leon van Kammen (Coder Of Salvation/leon.vankammen.eu)
Author : Tim Gerritsen (Mannetje Development/www.mannetje.org)
install details
following instructions are focused on *NIX based, textmode vim-users, but
might also work on other platforms with a bit of love:

- put mappingmanager.vim into your plugins directory
- add the contents of mappings.vim to your vimrc configuration file
- [optional] multi-user / company installation which keeps things tidy:
   - copy mappings.vim to your global vimconfig dir (example: /etc/vim)
   - copy mappings.vim to your homedir's .vim dir (example: ~/.vim usually exist)
   - copy mappings.vim to your projectdir dir, vim will automatically add projectspecific mappings

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
mappingmanager-v1.0.tar.gz 1.0 2011-10-10 7.0 Leon van Kammen Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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