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EasyDigraph.vim : input special characters easier (+digraphs).

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created by
Rykka f
script type
    *EasyDigraph* makes inputting special characters easier (+digraphs).
    With |:digraphs|, You can use i_<Ctrl-K> to input a special character.
    but have to press it everytime.
    With EasyDigraph, you can use mapping with {motion} to convert
    to special characters.

    Default mapping in Normal Mode is '<leader>bb'.
    You can remap it by changing |g:EasyDigraph_nmap|
    For example:
    <leader>bbaW on 'a*b*c*d*e*' to Greek 'αβξδε'
    <leader>bb2w on 'o5hayou5 gozai5masu' to Hiragana 'おはよう ございます'
    <leader>bbi{ in '{(S8S+S3SnS)S}' to SuperScript {⁽⁸⁺³ⁿ⁾}'
    <leader>bbit in '<p>\n3S >* \n2S </p>' to '<p>n³≫ n² </p>'

    EasyDigraph will automatically igonre converted characters.
    That is, only convert the characters between ASCII 33~126
    so press shortcut on 'αβξδε' will make no change on it.
    And when Converting, Vim digraph will ignore ' \ ' with char after.
    so '\1\+\2' will became '1+2'.
    The only exception is '/'. (Until vim 7.3 )
    A Insert Mode mapping to change the current WORD.
    Default mapping is '<c-x><c-b>'
    You can remap it by changing |g:EasyDigraph_imap|
    A Visual Mode mapping to change current highlight area.
    Default mapping is '<c-b>'
    You can remap it by changing |g:EasyDigraph_vmap|
    looking at |:digraph| and |digraphs-default| for digraph details.

    You can post issues at https://github.com/Rykka/easydigraph.vim/

There is an article that classified the vim digraphs roughly at
http://rykka.is-programmer.com/posts/31752 (Chinese)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
easydigraph.vim-0.3.tar.gz 0.3 2012-01-16 7.0 Rykka f Support all motions.
easydigraph.vim-0.2.tar.gz 0.2 2012-01-15 7.0 Rykka f vmap in visual mode added.
easydigraph.vim-0.1.tar.gz 0.1 2012-01-15 7.0 Rykka f Initial upload
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