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coffee-check.vim : Automatic CoffeeScript syntax validation checker for Vim

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created by
wei ko kao
script type
It is hard to find out where is you script error if you use CoffeeScript plugin for RequireJS. This Vim plugin is design to help reduce the effect of this issue, it will check the code syntax base on CoffeeScript compiler everytime when you save a coffee file automatically.


node: used to compile coffee script.

Important (Known Issues)

Only one error appears in every check, if you have several error in your script, you will have to fix one by one.
Some error message can't locate to correct line number, all this kind of error will mark to line 1.
Cause of previous issue, can't use the behavior of jslint.vim. So Vim will open quickfix window if any error was found, side effect of open a quikfix window is the focus will be moved to quick fix window.


Thanks for the base of jslint.vim by Jesse Hallett.


Release under MIT License.
install details
Use pathogen.vim or Vundle is suggestion, Github: https://github.com/othree/coffee-check.vim

If you didn't install vim-coffee-script: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3590
Add the following line to vimrc:

au BufRead,BufNewFile *.coffee set ft=coffee


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
coffee-check.vim-0.1.vmb 0.1 2012-01-21 7.0 wei ko kao Initial upload
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