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ocamlMultiAnnot : Annotation for mutiple files + bugfixes

 script karma  Rating 17/5, Downloaded by 1076  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Pierre Vittet
script type
This plugin is an improvement of the official ocaml ftplugin.

It corrects the 2 following bugs:
    - If nowrapscan is set, as annot file was not always read from beginning, we could not find result for information between the beginning of file and cursor position.
    - In splitted view, when we were reloading the .annot file, it was closing one of the splitted view.

New functionnality:
If we work with several ocaml .ml files, annotation are loaded for every file and so we can use those annotation for every buffer.

Added with version 1.1:
In addition to printing the type with <LocalLeader>t, save the type in the unnamed register, in order to copy/use it more easily.

I have tested this pugin on my own computer during a few weeks without bugs, please feel free to report bugs.

The plugin is essentially based on the official ocaml ftplugin, I would like to thanks:
David Baelde
Mike Leary
Markus Mottl
Stefano Zacchiroli
Vincent Aravantinos
and others contributors to ocaml vim integration.
install details
Assuming your personal vim directory is "~/.vim/".
- Copy the plugin in "~/.vim/ftplugin/"
- It should override the standard ocaml.vim ftplugin.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
ocaml.vim 1.1 2012-02-08 7.2 Pierre Vittet Added feature: In addition to printing the type with <LocalLeader>t, save the type in the unnamed buffer, in order to copy/use it easily.
ocaml.vim 1.0 2012-01-26 7.2 Pierre Vittet Initial upload
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