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Vim-Support : VimScript IDE -- Insert code snippets, quickly comment the code and look up help

 script karma  Rating 46/17, Downloaded by 10485  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Fritz Mehner
script type
Vim-Support implements a Vim Script-IDE for Vim/gVim. It has been written to
considerably speed up writing code in a consistent style. This is done by
inserting complete statements, comments, idioms, and code snippets.

Some screen shots :  https://wolfgangmehner.github.io/vim-plugins/vimsupport.html

For plug-in managers :  https://github.com/WolfgangMehner/vim-support

The help file online :  https://wolfgangmehner.github.io/vim-plugins/doc/vimsupport.html

The key mappings of this plug-in :  https://wolfgangmehner.github.io/vim-plugins/vimsupport/vim-hotkeys.pdf

This plug-in comes with a help file (vimsupport.txt). Read it with

    :help vimsupport


Editing actions differ for different modes! There are a lot of features which
can be configured or customized to match your needs.

install details
Copy the zip archive vim-support.zip to $HOME/.vim/ or $VIM/vimfiles
(on the Windows platforms) and run
    unzip vim-support.zip
If you have already an older version of this plug-in and you have modified the
template files you may want to save your templates first or copy the files from
the archive by hand. See also the file README.md within the zip file.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-support.zip 2.4 2016-08-16 7.3 Fritz Mehner - Add 'g:Vim_CustomTemplateFile'.
- Add template personalization file and setup wizard.
- Change the map for 'comment -> code' to '\co' for consistency with the other
  plug-ins. The old map '\cu' still works, however.
- New and reworked templates.
- Minor changes.
vim-support.zip 2.3 2014-08-22 7.0 Fritz Mehner + Change the way lines of code are turned into comments
  (insert no space after the quote).
+ Bugfix: Better compatibility with custom mappings
  (use "normal!", "noremap" and "noremenu" consistently).
+ Bugfix: Setup of local templates in case of global installation.
+ Bugfix: Renamed function which were named "g:*".
+ Always load the newest version of the template engine available on 'runtimepath'.
vim-support.zip 2.2 2013-12-30 7.0 Fritz Mehner + Map "adjust end-of-line com." now works in visual mode.
+ Map "function description (auto)" now works in visual mode.
+ Automatic function description now considers scopes.
+ Improved "adjust end-of-line comment".
+ Fixed template "Comments.function".
+ Added "Help -> english".
vim-support.zip 2.1 2013-08-22 7.0 Fritz Mehner + Menus generated in correct order.
+ Menus show the correct mapleader.
+ Maps are created for modifiable help buffers, depending on the option "g:Vim_CreateMapsForHelp".
+ Changed map for Vim keyword help: \h -> \hk
+ Map creation is triggered by the "FileType" event.
+ New hotkey \hp.
+ Minor changes and bugfixes.
vim-support.zip 2.0 2012-02-13 7.0 Fritz Mehner Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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