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DBGp X client : a real remote debugger (tested only with XDebug/PHP)

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This python script provide debugger interface to DBGp protocol,
Now support debugging files between two hosts that the path of the project on remote host and local host is different.

The original script was written by Sam Ghods and Seung Woo Shin,
located at:
vimscript #1929
vimscript #1152
This is a slightly modified version of that script with a few additional capabilities.

- DBGp protocol enabled debugging module. such as xdebug.
  ( I don't know there are free DBGp debugger except xdebug )
- +python2.7 , +sign feature  !
- this vim script. ( debugger.vim / debugger.py )

1. setup xdebug correctly. or other DBGp enabled server,
    (with proper remote debug option, etc xdebug.remote_enable = 1)

2. If you are debugging on two machines,
    and the path of your project is different between local host and remote host,
    you should  add a user mapping for local files to remote files in your vimrc like this:

    let g:debuggerPath = {'sep': ['/', '/'], 'map': [
                          \['/local/path/to/project1', '/remote/path/to/project/1'],
                          \['/local/path/to/project2', '/remote/path/to/project/2'],
                          \['/local/path/to/project3', '/remote/path/to/project/3'],

    The key "sep" means the path separator of os,
    On unix and Mac, is "/", On Windows, it is "\".
    As you can see, the first element in sep list is the local path
    separator, the second element in sep list is the remote path

3. press <F5> and browse php file within 8 seconds. :-)
    (If you are using Xdebug, just add param to the url etc index.php?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1 )

    If you did setup correctly, server will make connection to vim,
    all the windows currently opened will be closed and debugger interface will be shown.

4. in debuggin mode
<F1> : resizing windows
<F2> : step into
<F3> : step over
<F4> : step out
<F5> : run to breakpoint

<S-F5> stop debugging

<F10> : shows variable on current cursor
<F11> : shows context
<F12> : shows property on current cursor

,e : evalute expression and display result. cursor is automatically move to watch window. type line and just press enter.

command line command)
:Bp    : toggle breakpoint on current line
:Up    : goto upper level of stack
:Dn    : goto lower level of stack

5. press <S-F5> to stop debugging.

**This script has only been tested with XDebug for PHP debugging. But it may work with other debuggers.

Okay, forget my poor English...

这是一个利用 DBGp 协议实现的调试器,

插件基于DBGp client,主要增改是:

**** 1,增加远程机器调试支持!
这个使用过其它 IDE(比如netbeans) 做调试的同学应该很清楚,
比如服务器上的文件 /var/www/index.php,
在你的开发机器上这个文件可能位于 /home/me/develop/index.php
那你就必须将 /home/me/develop/ 映射到 /var/www/,

    let g:debuggerPath = {'sep': ['/', '/'], 'map': [
            \['/home/me/develop/', '/var/www/'],

        在linux和mac上是 /,而在windows上是 \,注意:是单一字符,反斜杠不要写两遍!用单引号括起来。

        同时,map对应的列表项则是每一项 开发机路径,服务器路径 的映射,记住路径最后要以分割符结尾。

**** 2,增加一键获取当前位置变量值的功能(默认快捷键 F10 )
新增的这个一键获取当前位置变量值的功能和netbeans调试器的功能一致,都是利用 eval $var 实现,

**** 3,移除mksession相关实现

**** 4,重定义部分快捷键

**** 5,总的来说,就是这样了。
install details
put all files in ~/.vim/plugin directory(or equivalent, e.g. $HOME\vim73\plugin))

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
debugger2.0.2.zip 2.0.2 2012-04-24 7.0 - - Auto detect if using the Mini Buffer Explorer vim plugin
ip used for rating:

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