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bestfriend.vim : Know your best friend

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created by
Takahiro Yoshihara
script type

Who is the best friend?
If you want to know, this is an answer.

This plugin is not so practical, but might provide bit interest :)

bestfriend.vim provides 2 commands to show your best friend.

* `:BestFriend` shows edit time of the current file.

    1: ~/.vimrc                                               00:56 (01:04)

* `:BestFriends` shows ranking of edit time.

    1: ~/.vimrc                                                                              00:56 (01:04)
    2: ~/foo/bar/baz.pl                                                                  00:33 (00:33)
    3: ~/hoge/hige/huga.rb                                                           00:01 (00:01)
    4: ~/.zshrc                                                                              00:00 (00:00)
    6: ~/something/vim/vim-bestfriend/autoload/bestfriend.vim   00:00 (00:03)
    7: ~/something/vim/vim-bestfriend/plugin/bestfriend.vim       00:00 (00:01)
    8: ~/something/vim/vim-bestfriend/README.md                  00:00 (00:13)
    9: ~/.zshenv                                                                           00:00 (00:00)  
   10: ~/.tmux.conf                                                                      00:00 (00:00)

Actually bestfriend.vim provides several options.

Related links

GitHub repository: https://github.com/tacahiroy/vim-bestfriend


Copyright (c) 2012 Takahiro YOSHIHARA. Distributed under the MIT License.
install details
If you use Vundle (https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git) it's very easy to install, you just
run command
:BundleInstall tacahiroy/vim-bestfriend
inside vim.
Don't for get put `Bundle 'tacahiroy/vim-bestfriend'` into `.vimrc`.

If you use pathogen.vim (https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen), you just execute following to install this plugin:

    cd ~/.vim/bundle
    git clone git://github.com/tacahiroy/vim-bestfriend.git

If you use neither Vundle nor pathogen, copy autoload and plugin directory
into your `$HOME/.vim` directory.
* on Windows, you probably copy those files into `$HOME/vimfiles` directory.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
bestfriend-0.0.3.zip 0.0.3 2012-05-06 7.0 Takahiro Yoshihara Added option 'g:bestfriend_observe_cursor_position' for accurate time calculation. It is useful especially on Vim (CUI).
bestfriend-0.0.2.zip 0.0.2 2012-04-30 7.0 Takahiro Yoshihara * Fixed helptag duplication error
bestfriend.zip 0.0.1 2012-04-28 7.0 Takahiro Yoshihara Initial upload
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