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colour_flip.pl : perl script to inverse colourscheme colours

 script karma  Rating 7/4, Downloaded by 1213  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Matthew Hawkins
script type
Ever held visual bell on and thought "gee, that doesn't look too bad?" then spent hours inverting your colourscheme by hand to make a new one?
Well, stop wasting time.  Just pipe the colourscheme through this here funky perl script, and save the output as your new scheme.  It takes a whole 0.035 seconds to run on a 433Mhz Celeron.  This amounts to a considerable (~102857) amount of time saving!
It will recognise both RGB and system colour names and do its best to invert them.
NOTE: it will break on colourscheme files where the highlight commands span multiple lines.  Maybe I'll fix that someday, but then again maybe not.  Feel free to upload a new version which does that.
install details
save it, edit it to your liking, run it through your perl interpreter.  I don't use any weird-arse CPAN modules so you don't need anything else.

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
colour_flip.pl 1.0 2002-09-03 6.0 Matthew Hawkins Initial upload
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