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jsruntime.vim : Run javascript in vim

 script karma  Rating 48/14, Downloaded by 4173  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
yf liu
script type
This is Javascript Runtime in Vim
Latest Update -- Supports Win/Linux/Mac up to Vim 8.0

As you know, Vim is well integrated with python,perl etc, but no javascript, that is what this plugin does.

This plugin provide the ability to integrate your Vim with javascript, It use PyV8 as javascript interpreter. if PyV8 not supported, it use node, cscript, spiderMonkey as fallbacks.

The github-repo: https://github.com/michalliu/jsruntime.vim

List of plugins powered by jsruntime.vim
jsflakes.vim (Lint javascript code on the fly) http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4057
sourcebeautify.vim(beautify your source code javascript/css/html/json etc. ) http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4079

My other vim projects
Integrated Vim Development Enviroment for mac - https://github.com/michalliu/gvimim-macvim
Integrated Vim Development Enviroment for windows & Linux - https://github.com/michalliu/gvimim
install details
This plugin is a bit large because it packing with PyV8 for both windows,linux and mac to make this plugin much easier to use https://github.com/michalliu/jsruntime.vim/issues/5

You have to combine these parts after download.

Linux/Mac users      --------------->   cat jsruntime.zip.part* > jsruntime.zip
Windows users --------------->  copy /b jsruntime.zip.part* jsruntime.zip

unzip it then put  plugin/jsruntime to $VIM\autoload

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
jsruntime.vim.zip.part02 7.0 2016-11-17 7.0 yf liu add mac os support. now jsruntime.vim is supports win/linux/mac up to vim 8.0
jsruntime.vim.zip.part01 7.0 2016-11-17 7.0 yf liu add mac os support. now jsruntime.vim is supports win/linux/mac up to vim 8.0
jsruntime.vim.zip.part00 7.0 2016-11-17 7.0 yf liu add mac os support. now jsruntime.vim is supports win/linux/mac up to vim 8.0
jsruntime.zip 6.0 2016-07-29 7.0 yf liu improve compatibility
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