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mathematic.vim : for inputting mathematic symbols.

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created by
Rykka f
script type
This is a vim keymap file contains mathematic symbols.
with some effort to reduce typing conflict and increase typing speed.

Also contains a keyhelper for help inputting.

- Superscript and Subscript :

        `0 ⁰  `+ ⁺ ... ( 0-9 + - ( ) / ^ . , > < )
        `a ᵃ  `A ᴬ ... ( a-z except q , Some of A-Z)

        _0 ₀  _+ ₊ ... ( 0-9 + - ( ) / ^ )
        _a ₐ  _e ₑ ... (a e h i k l m n o p r s t u v x)

- Short CMD  :

        Greek Alphabet:
                    \GA  => Α , \GD   => Δ
                    \Ga  => α , \Gg   => γ

        Fractions   :
                    \1/2   => ½ , \1/3 => ⅓
                    \2/3   => ⅔ , \3/5 => ⅗

        Arrows      :
                    \<--   => ←  , \--v => ↓  , \==>  => ⇒
                    \<---  => ⟵  , \--^ => ↑  , \===> => ⟹

        Grouping    :
                    \(U    => ⎛  , \]U  => ⎤
                    \(M    => ⎜  , \]M  => ⎥
                    \(B    => ⎝  , \]B  => ⎦
                    \(V    => ︵ , \]V  => ︺

        Operator    :
                    \U.    => ⨃ , \UU   => ∪  , \UN  => ∩
                    \I1    => ∫ , \I3   => ∭  , \I=  => ⨎
                    \IO1   => ∮ , \IO3  => ∰  , \IOW => ∳
                    \PDF   => ∂ , \THF  => ∴  , \BCS => ∵
                    \MUL   => × , \DIV  => ÷
                    \SQRT2 => √ , \SQRT3 => ∛ , \SQRT4 => ∜

        Relations   :
                    \<=    => ≤ , \>=  => ≥   , \!=  => ≠
                    \<~    => ⪝ , \>~  => ⪞   , \!>  => ≯
                    \o+    => ⊕ , \o-  => ⊖   , \ox  => ⊗
                    \O+    => ⨀ , \O+  => ⨁   , \OX  => ⨂

        Sets        :
                    \SUBO  => ⊂ , \SUBE => ⊆  , \SUBN => ⊄
                    \SUPO  => ⊃ , \SUPE => ⊇  , \SUPX => ⊉
                    \AND   => ∧ , \OR   => ∨  , \NOT  => ¬
                    \XOR   => ⊕
                    \EXTS  => ∃ , \EXTN => ∄  , \FALL => ∀
                    \BOT   => ⊥ , \TOP => ⊤   , \LFT  => ⊣
                    \RGT   => ⊢

        Misc        :
                    \INF  => ∞  , \PRT  => ∝
                    \ARC   => ⌒ , \ANG  => ∠
                    \DEGC  => ℃ , \DEGF => ℉
                    \OHM   => Ω , \MHO  => ℧  , \ANGS => Å
                    \a/c   => ℀ , \a/s  => ℁  , \No   => №
                    \TM    => ™ , \CO   => ©  , \RO   => ®
                    \AE    => Æ , \ae   => æ  , \fi   => fi

        Fonts       :
                    \BBA   => 𝔸 , \BBH => ℍ   , \BB0  => 𝟘
                    \FKH   => ℋ , \FKI => ℑ   , \FKL  => ℒ

- Latex CMD:

        Based on Vim-Latex suite.
        Only contains latex command which have corresponding unicode chars.
        Fixed some incorrect mapping of Vim-Latex suite:
        (\bigodot \bigoplus \bigotimes \long...arrow \iint ...)

            \neq     => ≠  ,  \Leftarrow =>  ⇐
            \simeq   => ≃  ,  \Re        =>  ℜ
            \mathbbA => 𝔸  ,  \mathfrakA =>  𝔄

        You can use Vim-Latex suite to check these command.
        or this pdf of math symbols.

- Key Helper(`:KeyHelper`):

        KeyHelper makes viewing and inputting these symbols easier.

        It will dynamicly showing matching keymap with your input.
        And press '<Enter>' in the KeyHelper window to append to file.

        And you can input more unicode symbols:
        0x2500-0x2800,  0x1D100 - 0x1D1DD

install details
Extract to your ~/.vim folder.

- You can make a mapping to use it easyier:
        " use it
        map <leader>km :set keymap=mathematic<CR>
        " stop use it
        map <leader>kn :set keymap=<CR>
        " view it's details, modify it at your convenience.
        map <leader>kvm :sp ~/.vim/keymap/mathematic.vim<CR>
        " show inputting cmd:
        " set showcmd
        " when a longer time for inputting is needed:
        " set timeoutlen=3000
        " or disable inputting timeout:
        " set notimeout

':h keymap' for further details.

- Using KeyHelper: (`:KeyHelper (<leader>\)`)

        " if your mathematic.vim is not in '~/.vim/bundle/' or '~/.vim/keymap'
        " then you should set g:mathematic_user_dir
        " let g:mathematic_user_dir = "~/.vim/myplug/keymap/mathematic.vim"
        " map KeyHelper with another mapping
        " nmap <leader>kk :KeyHelper<CR>
        " if you want fuzzy matching
        " let g:mathematic_fuzzymatch = 1

Post issues and suggestions at https://github.com/Rykka/mathematic.vim.

To request adding keymap CMDS , please post CMD and Character.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
mathematic.vim-1.10.zip 1.10 2012-05-12 7.0 Rykka f -- add  KeyHelper
-- add   symbols  0x2500-0x2800
mathematic.vim-1.01.zip 1.01 2012-05-11 7.0 Rykka f remove duplicated part.
ip used for rating:

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