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_jsbeautify : Modified base on jsbeautify.vim (move comma to head of ojbect's attribute line)

 script karma  Rating 10/12, Downloaded by 1664  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
will king
script type
Another plugin to format your JavaScript source code

I modified the jsbeautify.vim as I need. (Original jsbeautify.vim is here: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2727 ) (changes happened on lines 1, 4, 532, 534, 538, 540 and 503)

        a: 'a',
        b: 'b'

Move the comma after Object's attribute to next line's front.

        a: 'a'
        ,b: 'b'
 There won't be a newline after } , when it's in an Expression. Such as function({},{}).

 Example for these 2 changes mentioned above:

var p_roleMutexGroupListGrid, p_assignedMutexRoleGrid, p_unassignedMutexRoleGrid, p_roleDetailsForm;
var PID = pffp.setPID({}, {
        roleMutexGroup_query: 101101
        ,roleMutexGroupMember_query: 101201
        ,roleMutexGroupMember_assign: 101202
        ,roleMutexGroupMember_remove: 101203
        ,roleMutexGroupMember_details: 101204
        ,role_details: 100805
$(function() {
        var array1 = [1, 2, 3];
        var array2 = [];
        for (var i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
        if ({
                a: ''
                ,b: ''
                ,c: 2
        } === {
                b: ''
                ,c: 2
                ,a: ''
        } && ['', '', 1] == ['', '', 1]) {
                pffp.filterPermissionFunc({}, [PID.roleMutexGroup_query], [initRoleMutexGroupGrid])();//  There won be a newline after } , when it's in an Expression.
var initRoleMutexGroupGrid = function() {
        p_roleMutexGroupListGrid = pffp.initGrid(null, {
                id: 'roleMutexGroupListGrid'
                ,confId: 'roleMutexGroupListGrid_conf'
                ,topBtn: true
                ,passParam: {}
        }, RMGGridRowClick); //  There won be a newline after } , when it's in an Expression.

This vim-script also works at a low performance:)  
vim-jsbeautify : Simple javascript formater base on js-beautify  http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4017(this one looks like the one which can be faster, but I haven't try it. )

  bind the g:_Jsbeautify() function to any short key you like.

Thanks jsbeautify.vim's author : aj3423          (as the name I know).
(I just a beginner, don't know how to write a complete vim-script file. )
install details
input into your
vimfiles/plugin, too

I located it to /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/_jsbeautify.vim

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
_jsbeautify.vim.2.2.zip 2.2 2012-10-18 7.2 will king add some comments in code.
And change a word "endfunctio" to "endfunction"
_jsbeautify.vim.2.1.zip 2.1 2012-08-23 7.2 will king add inner function deindent(num)

case statement in switch starts with one more indent in this version.

So far so good , but more test is needed.
_jsbeautify.vim 2.0 2012-05-12 7.2 will king versino 1.2 will cause \ff or :call g:Jsbeautify() retire.
I've changed _jsbeautify.vim. This version can work with jsbeautify.vim.
\_ff and :call g:_Jsbeautify() to use  _jsbeautify.vim.
\ff and :call g:Jsbeautify() to use jsbeautify.vim.
_jsbeautify.vim 1.2 2012-05-12 7.2 will king Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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