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Drupal : A very simple plugin to help develop with Drupal

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Simple plugin for VIm to help develop with Drupal.
It's the tool I use for my works, so it will probably include more features in the future.

But... It is not supposed to become a huge plugin because one of the reasons I like VI is its lightness, so...
This + Drush + the rest of my VIm config is enough for me, I don't want an editor that take too much memory.





  - "ResetVimDrupalCache" command:                  ** args: none **
      Reset the internal cache.

    Use it if a new module/theme/file is not autocompleted.

  - "Hook" command:                          **  args: {hook_name} **
      Implement the named hook, where the cursor is.

    For convinience, the module name is guessed by the file path,
    when this is ambiguous or indeterminate, a prompt is displayed.
    A cache (renewed each time vim is opened) is used to not ask
    several times for the same file in which module it is associated.

    Note that:
    - If the hook implementation already exists (and found by ctags),
      a new function is NOT created: The cursor is placed on this instead.
    - If the hook contains a specific part (like hook_form_FORM_ID_alter),                                                                            
      a dialog will ask what use for it (in this example value of FORM_ID)

  - "EditDrupal" command:    **  args: {module / theme} {filepath} **
      Edit a Drupal file.                      /!\ Require Drush! /!\

    {module / theme} is the (machine) name of a module or a theme,
    {filepath} is the path of a file, relative to this module / theme

    You can use "/" as module argument: It will point to the Drupal root.

    Some file are excluded from the autocomplete list.
    By default: *.png, *.gif, *.jpg and *.jpeg
    You can change which ones by adding (and adapting) this to your .vimrc:
          let g:Drupal_excluded_extensions = 'png,gif,jpg,jpeg'
    (coma separated file extensions to exclude, or empty to allow all files)


If you want to be sure having the last version of this plugin, check my github repository (in case of I forgot to update here):

On github, you will also find my VIm configuration. Feel free to extract parts of code you need from my sources.
This could be better but I use those for my daily works without problems and it will be improved over the time.
I always miss time to refactor and clean the code, so if you want to help, you're welcome ;-)
install details

  - Drop this file to your plugin directory of vim.

  - Install Drush! http://drupal.org/project/drush/
    /!\ "EditDrupal" command will not work without!

  - Add an abbreviation for "EditDrupal" command.
    To do it, add this to your .vimrc:
          cabbrev YOURABBR <c-r>= ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 1)? 'EditDrupal': 'YOURABBR')<CR>
    (where YOURABBR is the abbreviation you've choosed)

    Example: cabbrev ed <c-r>= ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 1)? 'EditDrupal': 'ed')<CR>
             Now, when you are in command mode, type ed<space> and 'ed' has been replaced by 'EditDrupal'.

  - Map a key to call the "ResetVimDrupalCache" command.
    To do it, add this to your .vimrc:
          nmap YOURKEY :ResetVimDrupalCache<CR>
    (where YOURKEY is the key you've choosed)

    Example: nmap <F10> :ResetVimDrupalCache<CR>

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
drupal.vim 1.1 2012-08-08 7.0 Sébastien New functionalities (main is "DrupalEdit")
drupal.vim 1.0 2012-08-06 7.0 Sébastien Initial upload
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