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VPSIONKI DATA : Portable Vim code to handle database as CSV file (eg. for contacts)

 script karma  Rating 1/1, Downloaded by 834  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
patrick295767 patrick295767
script type
" Plugin name :    VPSIONKI DATA
" Plugin function: CSV Contact - VIM Plugin

" Version:
" Code version : 0.0099

" Current status:
"    First Initial Basic version (under work)

" Author:  
" Initially started by Patrick295767 </\at/\> gmail <\{dot}> com
" Help, patches, comments, add-ons, flowers, ...  in further progressing welcome anytime.

" Aim:
"      Create a portable program for database
"      Format to be handled in one soon future: CSV (Windows) and dbf
"      Allow the multi-lines for the NOTES + being compatible with the use of
"      mutt and mutt-query.

" Use:
" To start the CSV Contact plugin
"    Press \ followed by k
"    Once pressed, you may see your CSV file, and you can press
"    h to display the previous record number
"    j for going down to select the data (ex. address, name, surname, ...)
"    k for going up to select the data (ex. address, name, surname, ...)
"    l to display the next record number
"    / to start the search

" Tips: You could for instance use the unison program to sync this csv file.

" Dependencies:
"    Does not need python
"    Does not need perl
"    ...
"    Does only require Vim or Gvim :):)
"    -> Remains Portable

" Variables:
" Please edit this line to setup your txt (csv file)"
"     It might look like :   "record1","bla","bla" \n  "record2","bla","bla"
let g:myvarabookvimcsvfile='c:\docs\outlook-contacts.txt'
if has("unix")
  let g:myvarabookvimcsvfile='~/contacts/outlook-contacts.txt'
install details
" Add this code to your vim configuration
" and edit the variable with your CSV contact file:  g:myvarabookvimcsvfile

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
Plugin_VIM_Contacts_CSV.vim 0.0099 2012-08-14 7.0 patrick295767 patrick295767 Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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