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vim-dict : The Dict client for Vim

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created by
Szymon Wrozynski
script type

vim-dict is a dict client. It uses curl to connect to dict servers, so make sure you have curl installed.

The most recent version can be found on github: https://github.com/szw/vim-dict


To lookup a word (or words) in the dictionary use Dict command:

:Dict hello
:Dict start up

The Dict command uses hosts and databases defined in the g:dict_hosts global list. By default it is set to [["dict.org", ["all"]]] (the format will be explained a bit later).

Dict command can use a current word under the cursor. Just move the cursor to a word and type in the command line:


You can also select words in the visual mode with help of the DictSelection command:



There are just a few global variables (options) you may set in the .vimrc file.


    The most important one is a list g:dict_hosts mentioned earlier. It combines hosts/databases used by vim-dict. The list entries are lists themselves and share the following format:

    ["host_name", ["database1", "database2", ...]]

    The sample extract from someone's ~/.vimrc file could look like this:

    let g:dict_hosts = [
        \["dict.org", ["all"]],
        \["dict.mova.org", ["slovnyk_en-pl", "slovnyk_pl-en"]]

    Moreover vim-dict can help you figure out what databases are available on your servers. There is a special command for this:


    You can even open your .vimrc and provide some host urls only:

    let g:dict_hosts = [
        \["dict.org", []],
        \["dict.mova.org", []]

    Then save and reload .vimrc, perform DictShowDb and yank-paste the databases you want :).

    The list of DICT servers can be found on the internet, e.g. here.


    If set to 1 vim-dict leaves the preview window (the focus remains on the current window). By default it is set to 0.


    let g:dict_leave_pw = 0


    This variable holds the curl command to be fired by Dict function. You will find it handy if curl is not on your $PATH environment variable. By default it is set to "curl".


    let g:dict_curl_command = "curl"


    Sometimes you might want to add additional options to the curl invocation, e.g. additonal proxy settings. By default it defines only the connection timeout. Notice, the option -s (silent) is always present regardless of this variable.


    let g:dict_curl_options = "--connect-timeout 30"


Copyright © 2012 Szymon Wrozynski. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license

install details
Place in ~/.vim/plugin/dict.vim or in case of Pathogen:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/szw/vim-dict.git

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-dict.zip 1.2.1 2013-01-01 7.0 Szymon Wrozynski Added vim help file and some minor fixes
szw-vim-dict-1.2.0.zip 1.2.0 2012-08-22 7.0 Szymon Wrozynski DictSelection is no longer necessary. Now dict command can be performed in visual mode
szw-vim-dict-1.1.1.zip 1.1.1 2012-08-21 7.0 Szymon Wrozynski New options (g:dict_curl_options, g:dict_curl_command) and a few more improvements
szw-vim-dict-1.1.0.zip 1.1.0 2012-08-19 7.0 Szymon Wrozynski Support for multiple hosts/databases. Support for show:db.
szw-vim-dict-1.0.0.zip 1.0.0 2012-08-19 7.0 Szymon Wrozynski Initial upload
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