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dwm.vim : Tiled Window Management for Vim

 script karma  Rating 554/181, Downloaded by 4849  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Stanislas Polu
script type
dwm.vim adds tiled window management capabilities to Vim.
It is highly inspired by dwm (Dynamic Window Manager) [http://dwm.suckless.org/] tiled layout management.

Windows are always organised as follows:

|              |       S1         |
|              |==========
|      M     |       S2         |
|              |==========
|              |       S3         |

Use the following commands to create, close and browse windows:

- CTRL-N Creates a new window and place it in the area [M] & stacks all previous windows in the [S] areas.
- CTRL-C Close the current window if no unsaved changes
- CTRL-J Jumps to next window (clockwise)
- CTRL-K Jumps to previous window (anti-clockwise)
- CTRL-H Focus the current window, that is, place it in the [M] area & stacks all other windows in the [S] areas

There's only one tiled layout available right now, but the project is open for contribution:

PLEASE FORK: https://github.com/spolu/dwm.vim
install details
- copy the dwn.vim file into $HOME/.vim/plugin directory
- start vim

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
dwm.vim 0.1.2 2013-01-02 7.0 Stanislas Polu - use of `hasmapto`
- various cleanup
dwm.vim 0.1.1 2012-08-23 7.0 Stanislas Polu - Changed mapping from C-F to C-H for focus
- Added a sentinel for mappings to avoid conflicts
- Added a fullscreen mode (C-L) (focus to return to normal mode)
dwm.vim 0.1.0 2012-08-22 7.0 Stanislas Polu Initial upload
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