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easymenu.vim : Data-driven, hierarchical Menu Creation

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created by
Chad Moore
script type
The problem statement is that creating and maintain Vim menus is painful.
This plug-in provides a data-driven, hierarchical means of defining
non-trivial menus for your users' consumption.

Consider the following, simple, menu structure:

|Test| File Edit ... Help
| Module A  |______________
| Module B >| Compile  F11 |
+===========| Run      F12 |
            | ------------ |
            | Obsolete     |

Here's the structure created with Vim's built-in commands:

1amenu <silent> Test.Module\ A.Compile :make amod<CR>
1amenu <silent> Test.Module\ A.Run :make testamod<CR>
1amenu <silent> Test.Module\ B.Compile<Tab>F11 :make bmod<CR>
1amenu <silent> Test.Module\ B.Run<Tab>F12 :make testbmod<CR>
1amenu <silent> Test.Module\ B.Obsolete :call MyFunction()<CR>
1amenu <silent> Test.Module\ B.-sep-
1amenu <silent> disable Test.Module\ B.Obsolete

Note the repetition of the hierarchical menu names and the backslash-
escaping of spaces.

The structure really gets messy as it scales up.  In order to defeat
the repeated "higher-level" menu names, you could store them in Vim
variables but that results in additional boilerplate (including the need
to use execute rather than menu directly).

With this plugin, the menus are represented in a recursive data structure:

source easymenu.vim
call g:LoadMenu(
\ [
\ {
\   'text': 'Test',
\   'priority': 1,
\   'children': [
\               {
\                 'text': 'Module A',
\                 'children': [
\                             {
\                               'text': 'Compile',
\                               'command': ':make amod',
\                             },
\                             {
\                               'text': 'Run',
\                               'command': ':make testamod',
\                             },
\                             ],
\               },
\               {
\                 'text': 'Module B',
\                 'children': [
\                             {
\                               'text': 'Compile<Tab>F11',
\                               'command': ':make bmod',
\                             },
\                             {
\                               'text': 'Run<Tab>F12',
\                               'command': ':make testbmod',
\                             },
\                             {
\                               'text': '-sep-',
\                             },
\                             {
\                               'text': 'Obsolete',
\                               'able': 'disable',
\                             },
\                             ],
\               },
\               ],
\ },
\ ],
\ )

install details
Extract easymenu.tgz into its own directory for use with pathogen, otherwise just make sure easymenu.vim goes into the plugin directory and easymenu.txt goes into the doc directory.

Alternatively, you can just source the file directly from your script or $HOME/.vimrc.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
easymenu.tgz 0.1.0 2012-08-24 7.0 Chad Moore Initial upload (plugin/easymenu.vim, doc/easymenu.txt).
ip used for rating:

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