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transliterate : Text transliteration

 script karma  Rating 8/6, Downloaded by 2547  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Fanael Linithien
script type
NOTE: The plugin is not maintained anymore. Even if someone finds a critical bug. Tough luck.

This plugin allows transforming one set of symbols into another.

Currently the following transformations are supported out-of-the-box:
* Latin to Russian Cyrillic

It's possible and easy to add custom transformations.
install details
Unpack the transliterate directory in the archive somewhere into the runtime path.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
transliterate.zip 2012-12-11 7.0 Fanael Linithien Added missing _o and _r in X-SAMPA mode.
transliterate.zip 0.2.3 2012-09-16 7.0 Fanael Linithien Added a command that sets the transliteration mode to make vim know how to complete the mode names
transliterate.zip 2012-09-16 7.0 Fanael Linithien * Bugfixes for Russian Cyrillic
* Documentation improvements
transliterate.zip 0.2.2 2012-09-15 7.0 Fanael Linithien Added support for Russian Cyrillic
transliterate.zip 0.2.1 2012-09-15 7.0 Fanael Linithien User-defined modes should now work correctly
transliterate.zip 0.2 2012-09-02 7.0 Fanael Linithien * Different key mapping configuration method
* Support for user-defined transliteration modes
transliterate.zip 0.1 2012-08-31 7.0 Fanael Linithien Initial upload
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