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Vimarok : Plugin for control amarok via dbus-python

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created by
Lei Liu
script type
vimarok.txt     Show playlist and control amarok from vim via dbus-python.

Author:     Lei Liu <liunx163@163.com>
License:    Vim license, see license
Homepage:   https://github.com/liunx/Vimarok
Version:    0.1.0

Contents                                            vimarok vimarok-contents
        1. Intro ............................ vimarok-intro
            Supported features .............. vimarok-features
        2. Requirements ..................... vimarok-requirements
        3. Installation ..................... vimarok-installation
        4. Usage ............................ vimarok-usage
            Commands ........................ vimarok-commands
            Key mappings .................... vimarok-keys
        5. Configuration .................... vimarok-configuration
        6. Troubleshooting & Know issues .... vimarok-issues
        7. History .......................... vimarok-history
        8. Todo ............................. vimarok-todo
        9. Credits .......................... vimarok-credits
1. Intro                                                vimarok-intro

Vimarok is a plugin that used to control amarok music player. I am not means
to make vim as a music player, I just let vim to cooperate with amarok,
luckly, vim has many interfaces to other languages, so I use dbus-python to
join them together. If you like listen music while playing with vim, please
have a try.

SUPPORTED FEATURES                                      vimarok-features

It has the basic features like:

  - play,pause,next,prev,back/forword etc.
  - show playlist in side bar.
  - select & play the track in playlist.

2. Requirements                                         vimarok-requirements

You need vim version > 7.0 and with +python feature compiled, also your
sytem need to support dbus and has amarok with dbus feature installed,
dbus-python module is needed.

3. Installation                                         vimarok-installation

Just put the files from plugin, doc, in right place, then restart your vim.

4. Usage                                                vimarok-usage

When you doing some work with vim while listening music, and you don't want
to do switch between vim and amarok, in this situaction, you may want to do
it in vim way. In this time, you can just type ":TogglePlayList" to start
up the playlist, and do something you like.

COMMANDS                                                vimarok-commands

:Toggleplaylist                                         :Toggleplaylist
    Toggle the play list window.

KEY MAPPINGS                                            vimarok-keys

The keys below are just work in the playlist window.

    >  : play next track'
    <  : play previous track'
    ]  : play forward'
    [  : play backward'
    +  : volume up'
    -  : volume down'
    p  : play'
    s  : stop'
    r  : toggle single track repeat'
    m  : toggle mute'
    o  : show amarok OSD'
    $  : stop after current track'
    L  : toggle play list loop mode'
    R  : toggle play list random mode'
    <CR>   : play track'
    <Space> : switch between play & pause'
    F1 : toggle the help contents'

5. Configuration                                        vimarok-configuration

Default: 1

This option is a delta value when you volume up/down by.


        let g:amarok_volume_factor = 2

Default: 1000

This option is a delta value when play for/backward. Remember that the unit
is ms, so it's better not to make it too small.


        let g:amarok_volume_factor = 2000

Default: 30

This option define the width of playlist window.


        let g:amarok_playlist_width = 30

Default: 0

By default, the playlist will open in right-hand side.


        let g:amarok_playlist_left = 1

6. Troubleshooting & Know issues                        vimarok-issues

7. History                                              vimarok-history

8. Todo                                                 vimarok-todo

9. Credits                                              vimarok-credits

This plugin's window manage function was heavily inspired by the 'Tagbar'
& 'Taglist' plugin by Jan Larres & Yegappan Lakshmanan and uses a few amount
of code from them.

Original taglist copyright notice:
Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code, with or without
modifications, provided that this copyright notice is copied with it. Like
anything else that's free, taglist.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no
warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will the
copyright holder be liable for any damamges resulting from the use of this

vim: tw=78 ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et ft=help
install details
cp plugin/amarok.vim to <your home dir>/.vim/plugin/
cp doc/amarok.txt to <your home dir>/.vim/doc/

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
liunx-Vimarok-630ad9a.zip 0.1.2 2012-09-29 7.0 Lei Liu fix add help & playlist many times problem, thanks 刘铮臻<liuzhengzhen9036@gmail.com> for his feed back & bug report!
liunx-Vimarok-67096df.zip 0.1.1 2012-09-09 7.0 Lei Liu fix play track problem, that when you select a track, but display another track.
liunx-Vimarok-86a176c.zip 0.1.0 2012-09-09 7.0 Lei Liu Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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