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fwk_ctags :   Manage your ctags tags configurations simple and efficent

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created by
Sergey Vakulenko
script type
*fwk_ctags.txt*   Manage your ctags configurations simple and efficent.
                Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Sergey Vakulenko
                License:      GPL


INTRODUCTION                    |fwk_ctags_introduction|
INSTALLATION                    |fwk_ctags_installation|
USAGE                           |fwk_ctags_usage|
GLOBAL VARIABLES                |fwk_ctags_variables|
FUNCTIONS                       |fwk_ctags_func|
EXEMPLES                        |fwk_ctags_exemples|
FAQ                             |fwk_ctags_faq|
CHANGES                         |fwk_ctags_changes|

INTRODUCTION                                            *fwk_ctags_introduction*

This plugin was conceived to unify and generalize your vim / ctags interaction.

look the video tutorial like introduction:


INSTALLATION                                            *fwk_ctags_installation*

- ctags must be installed in your machine.
- popup menus not works in vim console (but hot maps works!)

Just drop files in zip archive to your vimfiles(win32) or .vim (linux/ubuntu),
or your custom path.

Then, customize your cfg file ( looks section EXEMPLES for more information).

Finnaly, set |g:fwk_ctags_config_to_load| variable in your vimrc. On start, plugin
will read this variable to load configuration path with tags:

    let g:fwk_ctags_config_to_load = 'path/to/configuration_file.cfg'

Plugin files~

USAGE                                                          *fwk_ctags_usage*

Using *fwk_ctags* , You can create your configuration file with all ctags projects and then,
switch between them.

Benefits of plugin:
- You generalize you ctags configurations for different languages
    (Python, C++, Java, Ruby, ...) in one config file.
- You can switch between ctags projects with maps or popup menus (simplest way!)

- You can create simple single configuration as create few configurations,
   which will be used dependly from |hostname()| or platform names (|win32|, |linux|).

- you can refresh/update your config with ctags in real time, no need restart.
   After refresh, plugin collect new maps/menus and remove olds ones.

- you can browse ctags config in real time.

- When you change your current ctags project, plugin remove previous tags
   path, but not touch preseted tags paths ( |g:fwk_ctags_default_tags| ).

- To make generation more faster, plugin create an tag file for each path:
   In case when path wasnt modified, generation for this path will be skipped
   (you will feel difference in big project).

Format of a project in Configuration file~

{ProjectName} {

Real exemple of configuration file:~
Python Django AppEngine ppdlive {

"Python Django AppEngine ppdlive" is {ProjectName}.
"map" is {MapCombination}.
"set" is {directoryToSetPath}.
"gen" is {directoryToGeneratePath}.

Syntax explainations:~

{ProjectName}    - this is name of your project. Can contain spaces. {ProjectName}
will be uses as description in popup menu.

{MapCombination} - this is root prefix of your hotkey. Finnaly for this project,
you will got combinations two combinations:
{MapCombination}1 to generate tags for project.
{MapCombination}2 to set tags for project.

Exemple for {MapCombination}:
We set {MapCombination} to \tg. Finnaly, we will got maps:
\tg1    to generate tags
\tg2    to set tags

Tip: you can omit {MapCombination}, if you use only menus.

{directoryToGeneratePath} - In project this is path for which need to generate tags.
You can set theses variables as many as you want.

{directoryToSetPath}      - This is path which need to add to |tags| path of vim.
You can set theses variables as many you want.

{SpecialCtagsOptions}     - this is help special instructions for ctags:
advanced options, to make ctags parse better.
For exemple, you can add regex rules to parse objective c code, like described
in this page http://www.gregsexton.org/2011/04/objective-c-exuberant-ctags-regex .
In |fwk_ctags_exemples| , we demonstrate how can be used this option.

Exemple: {directoryToGeneratePath} you can generate tags for your new/updated sources and {directoryToSetPath}
for connect tags paths of big projects (core library headers).

Tip: one 'set' or 'gen' option must be set in project configuration
( otherwise, there is no sense in project configuration ).

Tip2: All {directoryToGeneratePath} paths will be added automaticly to list of {directoryToSetPath}.

Tip3: All rules {SpecialCtagsOptions} is ctags native.
Look 'man ctags' for more information.

GLOBAL VARIABLES                                           *fwk_ctags_variables*

Must be set!~
|g:fwk_ctags_config_to_load|        Path to fwk_ctags cfg to load.
                                  Must be set to run plugin.
Possible values: ~
variable not set                - execution of plugin will be skipped.
variable was set, with cfg path - plugin will loaded and and cfg file will be applied.
variable set, but empty ('')    - plugin will be loaded, but configuration skipped.
                                  use can use |TagsLoadConfig| command to load
                                  configuration file after (Normally, you dont
                                  need this fonctionnality).

|g:fwk_ctags_default_flags|         This is default option for ctags.
                                  It will be apply for each project that you generate.
                                  You can rewrite it.
Default value is:~
-R --c++-kinds=+p --ocaml-kinds --fields=+iaS --extra=+q

|g:fwk_ctags_default_tags|          This is default tags for vim set |tags| option.
                                  Set it if you want add tags constant path.
                                  It will be added before operation
                                  'switch ctags project'. By default is empty.

|g:fwk_ctags_popup_menu_root_path| prefix in popup menu. you can rewrite it.
Default value is:~

|g:fwk_ctags_map_refresh_config|   map for refresh current config file conbination
Default value is:~

|g:fwk_ctags_map_open_curr_config| map to open current config file
Default value is:~

|g:fwk_ctags_gen_sup_map| default prefix for generate map
Default value is:~

|g:fwk_ctags_set_sup_map| default prefix for set map
Default value is:~

FUNCTIONS                                                    *fwk_ctags_func*

This is additional API (normally, you dont need it):~

|TagsLoadConfig| {config_file}   Function to load config file manually.
                               After load, menus and maps from previous cfg file
                               will be remove.

|TagsBrowseConfig|               Function to browse config file manually. Like
                               |TagsLoadConfig| , but with use of vim standart
EXEMPLES                                                    *fwk_ctags_exemples*

Exemple 1: simple config in vimrc to start plugin:

let g:fwk_ctags_config_to_load = 'd:\programs\vim\plugin\ctags_config_home_win32.cfg'

Exemple 2: advanced settings in your .vimrc, to start plugin, and uses differents
config files:
if has('win32')
    let g:fwk_ctags_config_to_load = 'd:\programs\vim\plugin\ctags_config_home_win32.cfg'
else "linux
    if hostname() == 'home'
        let g:fwk_ctags_config_to_load = '/home/sergey/.vim/plugin/ctags_config_home_linux.cfg'
    else "work
        let g:fwk_ctags_config_to_load = '/home/svakulenko/.vim/plugin/ctags_config_work.cfg'


ctags_config_home_win32.cfg ~

my library project {

Home Vim {

Python Django AppEngine ppdlive {

Default ctags for vim distro {

WS Client Java {


use of the tip from this link http://www.gregsexton.org/2011/04/objective-c-exuberant-ctags-regex
to work with objective-c code:

IOS Project {

FAQ                                                              *fwk_ctags_faq*

    1.1 When I call project hotkey, I got many warnings in output. Why?
        - Normally, output that you see is generated by original utility ctags.
        if you see warnings, that is warnings of ctags. To be sure, you can
        always test generation of tags manually.

CHANGES                                                      *fwk_ctags_changes*

0.6 - share plugin. init upload


install details
- ctags must be installed in your machine.
- popup menus not works in vim console (but hot maps works!)

Just drop files in zip archive to your vimfiles(win32) or .vim (linux/ubuntu),
or your custom path.

Then, customize your cfg file ( looks section EXEMPLES for more information).

Finnaly, set |g:fwk_ctags_config_to_load| variable in your vimrc. On start, plugin
will read this variable to load configuration path with tags:

    let g:fwk_ctags_config_to_load = 'path/to/configuration_file.cfg'

Plugin files~
plugin/ctags_config_sample.cfg (sample configuration)

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
fwk_ctags.zip 0.6 2012-09-15 7.0 Sergey Vakulenko Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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