localbundle.vim : faster loading and working speed with vundle
script karma |
Rating -1/1,
Downloaded by 725 |
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created by |
Rykka f |
script type |
utility |
description |
This is a vim plugin for the Vundle_ users.
seperated from my previous forked vundle repo to a single plugin.
It will copy all file of the bundles in ~/.vim/bundle/ into ~/.vim/localbundle/
and remove runtimepath of these bundles.
and add ~/.vim/localbundle/ to &rtp.
This will greatly increasing the loading and working speed with
a big numbers of bundles.
* Command:
This will copy all bundles in ~/.vim/bundle/ into ~/.vim/localbundle/
Also it will reset the &rtp, and will generate the help tag file.
install details |
* Install and Useage
Use it with Vundle_.
Put this in your vimrc,
should be put at the end of your Bundle part::
Bundle 'Rykka/localbundle.vim'
call localbundle#init()
``g:localbundle_rtp`` can be used to add another &rtp if needed.
You can get the latest version at LocalBundle_
:NOTE: you should NOT install from vim.org.
use Vundle_!
.. _Vundle: http://github.com/gmarik/vundle
.. _LocalBundle: https://github.com/Rykka/localbundle.vim
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
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