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votl : A Vim Outliner

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created by
Eric Davis
script type

votl is an outline processor designed for super fast authoring. It was
originally forked from VimOutliner and features include tree expand and
collapse, tree promotion and demotion, sorting children, level sensitive
colors, checkboxes and completion percentages for todo lists, tags, quick
time and date entry, unformatted and formatted body text, tables, and
support for calendar entries.

The file extension used by votl is .votl and remains compatible with the
existing .otl file format that VimOutliner uses.

The votl enhancements not found in VimOutliner are:

- Cycle over folds under the current header with <Tab>.
- Quickly jumping between sections with the [[ ]] { } keystrokes.
- Better coloring and support for much finer grained syntax highlighting.
- Support for daily diary/journaling with a Calendar.
- New support for tagging and the ability to quickly search for tags.
   Formatted exactly like Emacs org-mode tags.
- Support for RestructuredText formatted tables.
- Code cleanup/simplification and a better user experience.

Source on github: https://github.com/insanum/votl
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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
votl-0.1.zip 0.1 2012-09-21 7.0 Eric Davis Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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