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easytree.vim : easytree.vim - is a simple tree file manager for vim

 script karma  Rating 21/8, Downloaded by 2203  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Dmitry Geurkov
script type
easytree.vim - is a simple tree file manager for vim. While being highly inspired by NERDTree
it differs from it in it's approach to a file management and takes a more traditional vim yank/paste file copy/paste/delete
approach It's also more simpler in it's functionality and has much less features compared to other file managers.
It's goal is to be as fast and as minimalistic as possible. Just the right tool for just the right task

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
easytree.vim-0.2.1.zip 0.2.1 2013-01-11 7.3 Dmitry Geurkov added tree settings save/load methods
added ignore file/dir/find results change methods
some minor bugs fixed
easytree.vim-0.2.zip 0.2 2012-10-19 7.0 Dmitry Geurkov many bug fixes
easytree.vim-0.1.zip 0.1 2012-10-02 7.0 Dmitry Geurkov Initial upload
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