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autotags : vim plugin for easy ctags and cscope handling in a separate directory

 script karma  Rating 63/22, Downloaded by 1767  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Basil Gor
script type
This script is a wrapper for ctags and cscope, so tags for all languages
supported by ctags can be build (cscope is additionally used for C/C++).

1. No configuration needed
2. Build/rebuild index for project with a single key stroke
3. Tags are loaded then automatically when a file is opened anywhere in project tree
4. Tags are stored in a separate directory and don't clog you project tree
5. Extra directories (like library source or includes) can be added with a single key stroke too

Put autotags.vim in your ~/.vim/plugin directory, open source code and
press F4 (map AutotagsUpdate to change it).

You can reindex sources by pressing F4 again.

To build and load additional tags for another directory (i.e. external
project or library code you want to navigate to) press F3 (or map

Script builds and loads ctags and cscope databases via a single command.
All ctags and cscope files are stored in separate directory ~/.autotags by
default. You can set it via
    let g:autotagsdir = $HOME."/boo"

Project root directory will be asked when indexing new project. After that
tags will be loaded automatically when source files somewhere in project
tree are opened (if path contains project root).

Exact tags location:
~/.autotags/byhash/<source dir name hash>/<ctags and cscope files>

Also `origin` symlink points back to source dir
~/.autotags/byhash/<source dir name hash>/origin

`include_*` symlinks point to additional tags for external directories
~/.autotags/byhash/<source dir name hash>/include_*

Tags for non-existing source directories are removed automatically
(checked at startup)

Also ctags file ~/.autotags/global_tags is built for /usr/include once

unix, cygwin

ctags and cscope

cscope_maps.vim plugin is recommended

install details
Put autotags.vim in your ~/.vim/plugin directory

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
autotags.vim 1.0 2012-10-11 7.0 Basil Gor Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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