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STL Syntax : Improved C++17 STL syntax highlighting

 script karma  Rating 118/58, Downloaded by 11087  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tianjiao Yin
script type
Inspired by vimscript #2224

Github: https://github.com/Mizuchi/STL-Syntax
install details
copy stl.vim to .vim/after/syntax/cpp/stl.vim

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
stl.vim 0.931 2020-02-15 7.0 Tianjiao Yin fix extension name
stl.vim.txt 0.93 2020-02-11 7.0 Tianjiao Yin Add C++17 stuffs
stl.vim 0.92 2014-06-16 7.0 Tianjiao Yin add more
stl.vim 0.91 2014-04-18 7.0 Tianjiao Yin fixed some bugs
stl.vim 0.9 2014-03-11 7.0 Tianjiao Yin 1 add missiong iostream stuff
2 change numeric_limits from function to type
stl.vim 0.8 2014-03-07 7.0 Tianjiao Yin add more missing stuff
stl.vim 0.7 2014-03-03 7.0 Tianjiao Yin add duration_cast, time_point_cast, lexical_cast
stl.vim 0.6 2014-02-19 7.0 Tianjiao Yin 1. add seconds, minutes, ... in std::chrono
2. add some missing things, such as make_shared, get_deleter, etc
stl.vim 0.5 2014-01-31 7.0 Tianjiao Yin Silly bug: time_t is a type, not a function!
stl.vim 0.4 2014-01-13 7.0 Tianjiao Yin add missing atomic_* type
stl.vim 0.3 2013-10-16 7.0 Tianjiao Yin Add some missing keyword and add support for C++14
stl.vim 0.2 2012-10-28 7.0 Tianjiao Yin fix: "equal" is a function in <algorithm>, not a functor.
stl.vim 0.1 2012-10-26 7.0 Tianjiao Yin Initial upload
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