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CommentFrame.vim : Create comment frames or right-aligned lines.

 script karma  Rating 17/5, Downloaded by 1396  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Benjamin L
script type
This is a simple plugin to generate fancy-looking comments/section dividers with centered titles and append them at the current cursor position.

A single comment line with string arg put on right end of line can also be created.

All comment styles are customizable for different coding languages, added with keymaps, etc.

There is a plugin menu with all the default options in it as well.

For latest developments, any mods, pull requests, etc, see:
install details
Either copy the file inside the plugin dir to your own plugin dir, or use a plugin manager (e.g. pathogen, vim-addon-manager, etc) and install that way.  (See instructions for your own plugin manager for more info.)

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
CommentFrame.vim.tar.gz 1.05 2020-02-14 7.0 Benjamin L Added plugin options to skip default key mappings and to init the default frame and line width of all pre-existing comment functions.
CommentFrame.tar.gz 1.02 2012-11-21 7.0 Benjamin L Correct calls to s:MapKeys function.
CommentFrame.tar.gz 1.01 2012-11-19 7.0 Benjamin L Initial upload
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