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pl1.vim : PL1 Syntax Highlighting (aka PL/1 or PL/I)

 script karma  Rating 23/8, Downloaded by 1163  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Alan Thompson
script type
Syntax highlighting for PL/1 code
install details
Create a directory structure like the following in your home directory:


where "~/.vim" represents your private VIM configuration directory in your home directory (~ on unix like systems). Copy the file pl1.vim to ~/.vim/syntax/pl1.vim.  The other file (~/.vim/ftdetect/pl1.vim) should consist of the following two lines:

au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pl1             set filetype=pl1
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.inc             set filetype=pl1

That's it!  You can now have syntax highlighting for PL/1 code!


I have difficulty reading the default color for VIM diffs.  In order to make the diff text more readable, I change the highlight color by placing the following 1-liner in my ~/.vimrc file:

" Fix the difficult-to-read default setting for diff text
" highlighting.  The bang (!) is required since we are overwriting the
" DiffText setting. The highlighting for "Todo" also looks nice (yellow)
" if you don't like the "MatchParen" (Aqua) diff color.
highlight! link DiffText MatchParen   " Aqua diff coloring
"   highlight! link DiffText Todo   " Yellow diff coloring


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package script version date Vim version user release notes
pl1.vim 1.0 2012-11-30 7.0 Alan Thompson Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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