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adt.vim : android development utility in VIM

 script karma  Rating 108/30, Downloaded by 5599  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
chen chi
script type
This is an utility for android development, it works on the current folder, you must ensure that the initial path contains a AndroidManifest.xml file and build.xml file, so that ant build can be executed.

It can run in windows and linux.

AdtLogcat Fetch logs from android device and display in copen
window. If there are error or warning stacks, it will
be recorgnized as error, so that you can switch between
error message and codes by :cn and :cp. By default, it
is mapped as "Al"

AdtBuild Build the current android application, make sure there
are build.xml and AndroidMenifest.xml in current folder.
The build log will be displayed in copen window, so
that you can switch between error message and codes by
:cn and :cp. By default, it is mapped as "Ab"

AdtRun Run the current android application, make sure there
are build.xml and AndroidMenifest.xml in current
folder. By default, it is mapped as "Ar"

AdtClean Clean the current android application build
envirovement. By default, it is mapped as "Ac"

AdtHelp Get the help information of the word under cursor,
the cooresponding html file in android docs folder
will be opened by xdg-open. By default, it is mapped
as "Ah"

AdtJumpResouce If the word under cursor is layout resource, it will
open the xml layout resource in a splitted window. By
default, it is mapped as "Aj"

AdtCreate Create a new project, it is mapped as "Ap"

AdtStart Start the default activity for current android
application. By default, it is mapped as "As"
install details
Copy adt.vim to the plugin folder of your vim location.
In the vimrc file, set some global variables

g:adtVimHtmlViewer The Html viewer for open android help file, if
not set, the default Html viewer is used.

g:adtVimAndroidPath The locaion where android sdk is installed, if
not set, in linux which android will be called
and the output is taken as default; in windows
it will keep empty and you will not be able to
use AdtHelp

g:adtVimCat In linux set it as cat, and in windows set it
as type. If not set, cat will be the default

g:adtVimFile The log file to used, if not set, /tmp/l.txt
is used, so, for window it is a must to set,
or else, you will not be able to locate build
error automatically

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
adt.vim 1.0 2013-07-31 7.0 chen chi Add support for windows
adt.vim 2013-06-21 7.0 chen chi Add command for create new project "Ap"
adt.vim 2013-01-11 7.0 chen chi Use a better Javac efm
adt.vim 2012-12-07 7.0 chen chi improve function AdtJumpResource, support jump in xml file and java file both. Add better way to read log pid.
adt.vim 0.1.3 2012-12-06 7.0 chen chi Add function AdtJumpResource, which can open the layout file under current cursor
adt.vim 2012-12-05 7.0 chen chi Get Pid by stable way, fix tiny bugs
adt.vim 2012-12-04 7.0 chen chi Fix bug that AdtLog can not catch some errors; Add g:adtVimHtmlViewer to enable user define html viewer. default is xdg-open, and I prefer elinks
adt.vim 0.1.2 2012-12-03 7.0 chen chi Add function AdtHelp
adt.vim 0.1.1 2012-12-02 7.0 chen chi Add function AdtClean
Improve the AdtLogcat function
adt.vim 0.1 2012-12-01 7.2 chen chi Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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