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REPL : Minimalistic REPL

 script karma  Rating 9/3, Downloaded by 2248  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Sergey Khorev
script type
A script to interact with interpreters that have REPL.
Main features:
* non-intrusive
* cross-platform (you need to install AND build Vimproc from https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc)
* syntax highlighting is supported
* easy to customise and add new interpreters (see plugin/repl.vim for details)

Interpreters supported out of box:
Shell: bash, tcsh, cmd.exe
Haskell: GHCi, Hugs
Scheme: Racket, Chicken
Computer algebra: REDUCE, Maxima

:Open<YourInterpreter> <ExtraArguments> - start session
  :OpenGHCi to start GHCi
  :OpenGHCi! to forcefully start a new session in a new window

:CloseRepl (local to the repl window) - disconnect REPL
:CloseRepl! - disconnect and wipeout the buffer
:SaveInput <filename> - save input lines, use ! to force overwrite

  <Leader>e - in normal mode: send current line to the interpreter, in visual mode: send selection

Local to the REPL window (normal mode only)
  <Return> - send current command to the interpreter
  <C-J> - copy current command to the command prompt
  <C-K> - recall previous command to the command prompt
  <count>[[ - navigate to the start of the current or previous command
  <count>]] - navigate to the start of the next command
  <count>[] - go to the end of the previous command
  <count>][ - go to the end of current or the next command

The following function can be used to define your own mappings or autocommands:
  repl#SendText(bufOrType, text)
    bufOrType: buffer number or its type ('' means currently active buffer)
    text: a list of strings to join and send to REPL

You may edit and re-execute commands and the plugin should update output using its markers

Feel free to send you comments. Especially I would like to hear what autocommands are worth using besides CursorHold
install details
:so vimrepl.vmb, restart Vim

Alternatively you may find it on https://bitbucket.org/khorser/vim-repl and https://github.com/khorser/vim-repl

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vimrepl.vmb 1.2 2013-01-09 7.3 Sergey Khorev Add condensed mode for interpreters that support multi-line input like Python.
vimrepl.vmb 1.1 2012-12-22 7.3 Sergey Khorev Make writing to the repl buffer more robust, expose a function to send text to REPL
vimrepl.vmb 1.0 2012-12-03 7.3 Sergey Khorev Initial upload
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