VimLogViewer : log viewer like edit++
script karma |
Rating 5/4,
Downloaded by 1019 |
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created by |
Sung Keun Kim |
script type |
utility |
description |
This script has useful utilities for viewing log files(ex. Android logcat)
1. searching keyword
you can searching the words you want to find from logs. and this results is put in the quick fix.
,f : search the word on current cursor position from current buffers(erase old list)
,F : search the word on current cursor position from current buffers(add to list)
you'll see result at quickfix view atfer typing short key, type ": copen"
2. keyword highlight
If you want to highlight the keywords in the logs, you can do it by short cuts below.
first, move the cursor to the keywords you want to highlight. and then type "\" + number
you can highlight ten differect colors by typing "\1" or "\2", ..., "\0"
[usefule functions]
SearchPatternFromBuffer(pattern) : search the pattern from all buffers
SearchPatternFromCurrentBuffer(pattern) : search the pattern from current buffers |
install details |
just add script file into you plugin folder |
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