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asm2d-vim : Vim plugin for the asm2d assembly language

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created by
Eduardo Lopez
script type
asm2d-vim is a lightweight Vim plugin to add syntax highlighting to assembly files for the asm2d (http://tapichu.github.com/asm2d/) assembler.

It also adds syntax highlighting to MIF (http://quartushelp.altera.com/9.1/mergedProjects/reference/glossary/def_mif.htm) files, and it configures the program used by the :make command.

The most recent version can be found on github: http://tapichu.github.com/asm2d-vim/
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
asm2d-vim-v0.1.2.zip 0.1.2 2013-01-09 7.3 Eduardo Lopez * Syntax for new instructions.
* Mark lines with errors or warnings.
* Quickfix window improvements (type of error, line numbers).
* Setting to decide if quickfix window should be opened for warnings.
asm2d-vim-v0.1.1.zip 0.1.1 2013-01-05 7.3 Eduardo Lopez * Keywords for stack and keypress event instructions.
* Character constants in syntax.
asm2d-vim-v0.1.0.zip 0.1.0 2013-01-04 7.3 Eduardo Lopez * Compilation errors in quickfix window.
* Continue comments on the next line.
* Highlight TODO and FIXME notes in comments.
* Fix error with syntax priority.
asm2d-vim-v0.0.3.zip 0.0.3 2013-01-03 7.3 Eduardo Lopez * Add arithmetic operators to syntax.
* Compile the assembly code when opening the MIF file.
* Configure extra parameters to the ':make' command.
asm2d-vim-v0.0.2.zip 0.0.2 2013-01-03 7.3 Eduardo Lopez Initial upload
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