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metaweblog : Submit your RST article in VIM  to Blog with metaweblog interface.

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created by
Yugang LIU
script type
Submit your **RST** article in VIM to Blog with metaweblog interface.


+ direct submit **RST** article to Blog.
+ support **HTML** article
+ automatic upload image resource and fix link for **RST** when new post
+ browse recent blogs
+ delete blog
+ upload file manually

install details
0. Please install Docutils_ as RST tools, and Pygments_ for syntax highlight

.. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/
.. _Pygments: http://pygments.org/

1. install VIM plugin

.. code:: bash

    cp plugin/metaweblog.vim  ~/.vim/plugin/metaweblog.vim

2. Create new configuration file in ``~/.vim/password.vim``

.. code:: vim

    # password.vim
    let g:MetaWeblog_api_url='http://www.is-programmer.com/xmlrpc'
    let g:MetaWeblog_username='username'
    let g:MetaWeblog_password='password'

3. Install CSS to support style:

.. code:: bash

    # RST CSS style
    cat /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/writers/html4css1/html4css1.css > blog.css
    # code with scrolled bar
    echo "pre.code { overflow: auto; }" >> bslog.css
    # syntax highlight
    pygmentize -S default -f html -a pre.code >> blog.css

4. Upload blog.css to Blog site.


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-metaweblog.tar.gz 1.0 2013-01-24 7.0 Yugang LIU Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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