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gf-ext : Extend "gf" to support opening files in external programs

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created by
Daniel P. Wright
script type
gf-ext allows you to specify "handlers" for filetypes based on a regular expression you supply (often specifying a file extension).  This is useful when you want to view or edit files which are referenced in source code but aren't necessarily source text files themselves; for example `<img>` tags in HTML, source asset files, and so on.

Full details available on the plugin's github page at http://github.com/dpwright/vim-gf-ext or in the plugin's documentation.  Please report any issues or submit any contributions through github.
install details
Extract the zip file into your ~/.vim folder, or install using Pathogen (http://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen).

I recommend installing from the plugin's github page at http://github.com/dpwright/vim-gf-ext as that will get updated much more frequently than this page does.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
gf-ext.zip 1.0 2013-02-06 7.0 Daniel P. Wright Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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