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psearch.vim : Quick access to search results

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Execute the :PSearch command and type something. You'll see a preview
of all the lines where the pattern you gave matches in the currently open buffers.
The pattern is the one you would normally use doing searches with '/' and '?' and
with the "nomagic" option set.

To interact with the matches list use the following keys:

  UP, CTRL+K : move up in the list.

  DOWN, CTRL+J : move down in the list.

  LEFT, CTRL+H : view the matches list of the previous buffer.

  RIGHT, CTRL+L : view the matches list of the next buffer.

  RETURN, CTRL+G : go to the selected match.

  CTRL+A : show jump marks for each result.

  CTRL+T : move the cursor to the first match in the matches list.

  CTRL+B : move the cursor to the last match in the matches list.

  ESC, CTRL+C : close the matches list.

Pressing CTRL+A in the psearch navigation buffer will add jump marks denoted
in the format <[a-z]> for each search result entry. When the marks have been
displayed entering any of the letters used as mark will jump directly to the
respective entry and close the search navigation. Entering anything that is
not a mark will discard the action.
install details

Install with your favorite plugin manager.

Requires Python 2.6+

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
psearch-0.3.zip 0.3 2013-02-26 7.2 geck - Added "jump to mark" functionality for quick access to search results.
- Minor bugfixes.
psearch-0.2.zip 0.2 2013-02-22 7.2 geck - Searches are now performed in all buffers.
- Fix issues with some input characters.
psearch-0.1.0.zip 0.1.0 2013-02-13 7.2 geck Initial upload
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