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redif.vim : Syntax highlighting for ReDIF format used by RePEc

 script karma  Rating 1/1, Downloaded by 1195  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Axel Castellane
script type
Syntax highlighting for ReDIF format used by RePEc:

Source: http://openlib.org/acmes/root/docu/redif_1.html

####### Supported:
Correct fields
Correct templates
Some special arguments
Localize spell checking for Title, Abstract and some others (use :set spell to enable it)
Highlights as error:
    - Fields that do not belong to the current template.
    - Fields that should belong to a cluster but do not.
    - Wrong arguments (for most fields but not all)

####### Not supported:
Does not always highlights arguments as error even when they are erroneous. In particular:
    - Does not check whether non-repeatable fields are repeated
    - Does not check URLs
    - Does not check logic (for instance "40-30" is not highlighted in a "Pages" field, even if 40 > 30)
    - A few others

Moreover, the spell checking does flag several common words in economics, such as Schumpeterian, macroeconometrics, etc.

The file is well-commented; you can read it for more information.
install details
Copy-paste it to $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
redif.vim 2.0 2013-04-08 7.0 Axel Castellane     - folding (with foldmethod=syntax)
    - @Spell for some fields
    - faster and more accurate
redif.vim 1.0 2013-02-14 7.0 Axel Castellane Initial upload
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