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Flake8-vim : Automatic syntax checker for Python, bundled with pep8, pyflakes and mccabe.

 script karma  Rating 65/28, Downloaded by 5852  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Andrew Rodionoff
script type
Automatic syntax checker for Python programming language, bundled with pep8, pyflakes, mccabe for easy installation and use. Requires python-enabled Vim. Main development goes on https://github.com/andviro/flake8-vim

After installation script is ready to go. Syntax checking starts on buffer write. See README.md for usage details.
install details
Simply unpack files to your .vim directory. Preferred install method is through Vundle:

:BundleInstall andviro/flake8-vim

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
flake8-vim.zip 0.5 2013-03-17 7.0 Andrew Rodionoff fixed handling of syntax errors
flake8-vim.zip 0.4 2013-02-22 7.0 Andrew Rodionoff added range support for PyFlakeAuto
flake8-vim.zip 0.3 2013-02-21 7.0 Andrew Rodionoff fixed some pep8 messages not having type
flake8-vim.zip 0.2 2013-02-19 7.0 Andrew Rodionoff windows-specific bugfixes, new option for maximum line length
flake8-vim.zip 0.1 2013-02-17 7.0 Andrew Rodionoff Initial upload
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