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vgdb : visual gdb in vim

 script karma  Rating 110/41, Downloaded by 3960  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Jian Liang
script type
VGdb is a perl program that allows the use of vim as a front end to gdb. It
both works on MS Windows and Linux. It both works in gvim and vim.

It open a vgdb window in vim that allows user to type gdb command
directly, and gdb output is redirected to this windows.

MSVC-style shortcuts are defined by default, and MSVC autoexp.dat is partially supported.

A flash demo (__VGDB_DEMO__.htm) in my package helps you quickly go through the
vgdb features.
install details
On MS Windows, you need install Perl.
Modify vgdb.bat for your path.
Modify vgdb_install_mswin.bat that actually copy files to your folder.
Run vgdb_install_mswin.bat to copy files.

On Linux, modify path in script vgdb_install and run it.

gvim MUST in the default search path.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vgdb-1.2.tgz 1.2 2013-09-14 7.0 Jian Liang version 1.2
vgdb-1.1.zip 1.1 2013-05-07 7.0 Jian Liang > enhancement for showing variable and tracing pointer.
> cross function execution point jump
> many bugfix.
vgdb.zip 1 2013-02-24 7.0 Jian Liang Initial upload
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