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noctu.vim : 16-color terminal color scheme

 script karma  Rating 43/21, Downloaded by 2544  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Noah Frederick
script type
color scheme
Rather than specifying particular color values for Vim, I prefer to have consistent colors across *all* software that I use in the terminal (e.g., colored output from git, tmux's status bar, etc.). Towards that end, this scheme is restricted to 16 ANSI colors (0 through 15), the representation of which can be redefined by configuring your terminal emulator. This means that you can change your color scheme "globally" without having to edit this script.

The color scheme has been tested against the following file types:

- Git (commit messages, etc.)
- JavaScript
- Markdown
- Ruby
- Shell
- Vim help
- Vim script
- Vimwiki

GitHub repository:
install details
Just stick noctu.vim in your colors/ directory, or if you manage your plug-ins with pathogen:

    git clone git://github.com/noahfrederick/vim-noctu.git ~/.vim/bundle/noctu

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-noctu.zip 1.2.1 2013-04-08 7.0 Noah Frederick Better spelling highlights, better IncSearch
vim-noctu.zip 1.1.0 2013-03-11 7.0 Noah Frederick Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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