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obsession.vim : Continuously updated session files

 script karma  Rating 273/99, Downloaded by 1969  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
Vim features a :mksession command to write a file containing the current state of Vim: window positions, open folds, stuff like that.  For most of my existence, I found the interface way too awkward and manual to be useful, but I've recently discovered that the only thing standing between me and simple, no-hassle Vim sessions is a few tweaks:

* Instead of making me remember to capture the session immediately before exiting Vim, allow me to do it at any time, and automatically re-invoke :mksession immediately before exit.
* Also invoke :mksession whenever the layout changes (in particular, on BufEnter), so that even if Vim exits abnormally, I'm good to go.  If I load an existing session, automatically keep it updated as above.
* If I try to create a new session on top of an existing session, don't refuse to overwrite it.  Just do what I mean.  If I pass in a directory rather than a file name, just create a Session.vim inside of it.
* Don't capture options and maps.  Options are sometimes mutilated and maps just interfere with updating plugins.

Use :Obsess (with optional file/directory name) to start recording to a session file and :Obsess! to stop and throw it away.  That's it.  Load a session in the usual manner: vim -S, or :source it.

install details
Extract in ~/.vim (~\vimfiles on Windows).

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
obsession.zip 1.0 2013-03-11 7.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
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