interactive-replace : InteractiveReplace lets you choose replacement text for your search
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created by |
Harold Rodriguez |
script type |
utility |
description |
InteractiveReplace lets you interactively choose replacement text while you search/replace.
## Usage ##
Just type
at the Vim console, or type the shortcut binding in normal mode:
(on my system that's `\r`).
## Examples ##
Say you wanted to find and replace all occurrences of *Bel-air* in a text file, but you wanted to specify what the replacement text is each time without having to redo a substitution or create a very complicated regex.
With a search performed (e.g. `/Bel-air`), type `\r` to bring up InteractiveReplace. Then for each highlighted term, type the replacement text and press `Enter`.
Easy consecutive substitutions:
In a programming context, you can easily substitute variable names stemming from one `o`pened line.
For example, to write out a skeleton for your replaces, you could type (with the cursor on line 6):
7odrawChart data.tmp[Esc]
to get:
Now use InteractiveReplace on `/tmp` to sequentially replace variable names:
## F.A.Q. ##
* How do I install Pathogen?
* Just put [pathogen.vim] into your ~/.vim/autoload folder. Then put these two lines in your *.vimrc* file:
* filetype plugin indent on
* execute pathogen#infect()
* How do I install InteractiveReplace without using Pathogen?
* If you wanna be really dirty about it, download the zipball from and extract the contents to your Vim directory.
* How do I update InteractiveReplace?
* The beauty of installing with Pathogen is that you `cd` into `~/.vim/bundle/interactive-replace/` and type `$ git pull` to get the latest updates.
## Todo
There are a few ways InteractiveReplace can be improved, including:
* allowing `Enter` to skip replace (make no change)
* highlighting the current search term in a different color
* if nothing's in the `/` register, ask user for a search term
Pull requests are highly encouraged ( Questions/comments welcome too.
install details |
## Install ##
If you wanna be quick-and-dirty, download the zipfile below and extract the contents to your Vim directory.
Better yet, assuming you have Git and Pathogen installed, which you should, just run:
$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/interactive-replace
Optionally, to configure a different key binding, add this line to your *.vimrc* file:
let g:InteractiveReplace_map = 'X'
where *X* is something like <F5> or \i |
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