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vim-run-live : Run or Preview current buffer in highly configurable ways

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created by
Alex Johnson
script type
  This plugin can...

  * Run a specified shell command on an entire buffer.
  * Run a specified shell command for a selection.
  * Watch for changes in the buffer and run a shell command automatically.

Other than the installation steps, this plugin requires no additional configuration to get started. When <Leader>r or :WatchBuffer is run, the plugin will ask for the shell command to associate with the current buffer.

A lot of things in the plugin are configurable including the events which trigger the live preview. This plugin can also remember the entered shell command for future use.

Check out the Github page for more details with screenshots.

install details
The easiest way to install this plugin is using Vundle. Check out the following link for more details.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-run-live.tar.gz 1.1 2013-05-05 7.0 Alex Johnson fix issues with skipping results window feature
vim-run-live.tar.gz 1.0 2013-03-19 7.0 Alex Johnson Initial upload
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