vim-tmuxify : Handling tmux panes like a boss.
script karma |
Rating 13/4,
Downloaded by 2090 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Marco Hinz |
script type |
utility |
description |
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# vim-tmuxify
This is a shiny Vim plugin for handling tmux panes from within Vim!
- create/kill associated panes
- associate tmuxify to already existing panes
- send visually highlighted lines to the associated pane
- send to pane by prompting for input
- send to pane by setting a run command for the current filetype
- once set, run commands are remembered, but can easily be reset
- all the plugin configuration happens in one dictionary that holds filetypes as
keys and run commands as values
## Feedback, please!
If you use any of my plugins, star it on github. This is a great way of getting
feedback! Same for issues or feature requests.
Thank you for flying mhi airlines. Get the Vim on!
## Options
Put these variables into your vimrc for great enjoyment. The shown examples
are also the default values.
let g:tmuxify_pane_split = '-v'
Split either vertically or horizontally. The two possible values are therefore
'-v' and '-h'.
let g:tmuxify_pane_size = '10'
The size of the associated pane.
let g:tmuxify_run = {}
Set run commands for specific filetypes. '%' will be replaced by the full path
to the current buffer.
let g:tmuxify_run = {
\ 'sh': 'bash %',
\ 'go': 'go build %',
## Mappings
Executes TxCreate. Creates a new pane and associates with it.
Executes TxKill. Closes the associated pane.
Executes TxSend. Prompts for input and sends it to the associated pane. This
mapping also works on visual selections.
Executes TxRun. Prompts for input if there is no entry in g:tmuxify_run for
the current filetype. '%' will be replaced by the full path to the current
Executes TxSetRunCmd. Change the run command for the current filetype.
Executes TxSetPane. Associate an already existing pane with tmuxify. Note: You
can use tab completion here.
Executes TxClear. This is a shortcut for TxSend('clear').
Executes TxSigInt. Sends an interrupt signal to the associated pane.
## Documentation
`:h tmuxify`
## Author
Marco Hinz `<>`
## License
Copyright © 2013 Marco Hinz. Revised BSD license. |
install details |
I suggest using tpope's pathogen:
Afterwards, just clone vim-signify into ~/.vim/bundle/. |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
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