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QFGrep.vim : A plugin to filter Quickfix entries

 script karma  Rating 36/14, Downloaded by 1764  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Kent Yuan
script type

The QFGrep plugin would be helpful when you got a lot of entries in Quickfix.  For example, you did an Ack/Grep with a not strict criteria. QFGrep can do further filtering for you, so that you could narrow your focus and jump to the right file right line quickly. At any time you could restore the original Quickfix entries.

projectHome & screencast: https://github.com/sk1418/QFGrep


- filter(Grep) entries in Quickfix
- restore original Quickfix entries

- fill Quickfix window with some entries (grep, vimgrep, ack or make),move curosr to quickfix buffer
- `<Leader>g` input pattern to do further filtering
- `<Leader>r` restore the Quickfix with original entries
- `<Leader>v` input pattern to do further inverted filtering (like grep -v)
- check the GIF animation on project homepage https://github.com/sk1418/QFGrep


- mapping customization
- message color-highligting customization
- `:h QFGrep` to check details
install details
extract the archive to ~/.vim

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
QFGrep.tar.gz 1.1.0 2014-06-17 7.3 Kent Yuan version 1.1.0                2014-06-14~
    - add QFGrepPat and QFGrepPatV command, by pass interactive `input()`
    - create `<Plug>` mappings, remove global mapping variable
QFGrep.tar.gz 1.0.3 2013-11-06 7.3 Kent Yuan version 1.0.3                2013-11-05~
    - move the logic codes to autoload
    - rename function names
    - enhance formatting of documentation
QFGrep.tar.gz 1.0.1 2013-08-30 7.3 Kent Yuan - bugfixing, https://github.com/sk1418/QFGrep/issues/2
- add feature, invert filtering, like grep -v
QFGrep.tar.gz 1.0.0 2013-03-28 7.2 Kent Yuan Initial upload
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