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colorful-statusline : A colorful statusline for vim.

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z jx
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A colorful statusline for vim

This is a modify of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2879 .

GitHub: https://github.com/sangwich/colorful-statusline

It will not be dependent on the grey2 colortheme.

Preview :



When you switch colorscheme, the background of statusline changes too.

You should source colorful-statusline.vim by manual to recover it.

                  :colo underwater
                  :source c:/vim/vimfiles/plugin/colorful-statusline.vim
                  :source ~/.vim/plugin/colorful-statusline.vim

         In fact, you can use autocmd in _vimrc to simplify this:
                  autocmd! ColorScheme *  source c:/vim/vimfiles/plugin/colorful-statusline.vim
                  autocmd! ColorScheme *  source ~/.vim/plugin/colorful-statusline.vim

install details
copy it into ~/.vim/plugin or ~/_vimfiles/plugin


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package script version date Vim version user release notes
colorful-statusline.vim 0.1 2013-03-30 7.0 z jx Initial upload
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